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Reportagem da Revista Istoé Universidade Burra
Reportagem da Revista Istoé Universidade Burra
Properties of a Giant Electron-Hole Drop in Germanium
Properties of a Giant Electron-Hole Drop in Germanium
Photoluminescence Investigation in N Type InGaAsP Heterostructure.
Photoluminescence Investigation in N Type InGaAsP Heterostructure.
Photoexcited hot phonons and phonon lifetimes in GaAs
Photoexcited hot phonons and phonon lifetimes in GaAs
Photoacoustic Assessment of Prospective Plant Productivity
Photoacoustic Assessment of Prospective Plant Productivity
Non Equilibrium Phonon Distribution and Electron-Phonon Coupling in Semiconductors
Non Equilibrium Phonon Distribution and Electron-Phonon Coupling in Semiconductors
Laser Doppler Velocimetry of Electron-Hole Drops in Germanium
Laser Doppler Velocimetry of Electron-Hole Drops in Germanium
Investigation of the shape of cloud of electron-hole droplets in germanium
Investigation of the shape of cloud of electron-hole droplets in germanium
Hole Burning Observation in Spontaneous Emission Spectra
Hole Burning Observation in Spontaneous Emission Spectra
EHD-Light Scattering and Absorption in an Inhomogeneous Stressed Germanium
EHD-Light Scattering and Absorption in an Inhomogeneous Stressed Germanium
Carta de AIA para The Philosophers Index
Carta de AIA para The Philosophers Index
A Evolução do Método Axiomático
A Evolução do Método Axiomático
Carta de Newton Freire-Maia
Carta de Newton Freire-Maia
Adolpho Martins Penha
Adolpho Martins Penha
Carta de Newton Freire-Maia
Carta de Newton Freire-Maia
Recorte de revista
Recorte de revista